Shell Amegayla

Specialties: Mandala Art, Commissions, Acrylic Paintings


"My paintings are a pilgrimage to a variety of Ancient Wisdom Teachings through sacred imagery. Each of these journeys begins with a seed, such as archetypes of deities, mandalas, or chakras. Trees, butterflies and the cosmic nature of the universe also inspire my work. These all serve as guides as I paint and tune into their energy, through the Eastern tradition of transmission, while manifesting their essence creatively. I use crystals, gold leaf, and gels to enhance the spiritual light emanating from the ancient points of inspiration. Motivated by the writings of Carl Jung, and a desire to heal from intense grief, I began painting mandalas. The experience of creating mandalas unlocked a world of peace, and joy that became a spiritual path. Communing with sacred symbols has imbued my creations with an energetic charge and has filled me with awe, gratitude, and inspiration. In the hope that my paintings may spark a similar energetic resonance in the viewer, I am grateful." - Shell Amega 


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